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Download Flash Image

Download V4.0 Orange Pi 5 Image

Download V4.0 Orange Pi Zero 3 Image

Download V4.0 Orange Pi PC Image

Download V4.0 Orange Pi One Image

Download V3.4 Orange Pi 5 Image

Download V3.4 Orange Pi Zero 3 Image

Download V3.4 Orange Pi One Image

Download V3.4 Orange Pi PC Image

Download V2.22 Orange Pi One/PC Image
Download Image for Orange Pi (PC, Zero, One, Five)


Download V4.0 Raspberry Pi Image

Download V3.4 Raspberry Pi Image

Download V2.22 Raspberry Pi Image
Download Image for Raspberry Pi (2, 3, 4)


ESP8266 Firmware for Sub Vendo

Download ESP8266 Subvendo V1.0.1


Use Balena Etcher to flash to sdcard

Download Balena Etcher


Sample diagram for builder

View Basic Diagram